Concentration. Balance. Strength. Centering. Calming. Peace.
The wonderful beautiful tree pose. It can bring about all of these qualities and more.
I could not have found a more amazing tree with which to practice this pose.
Isn't it gorgeous?
Isn't it gorgeous?
Delve in and feel your roots in mountain pose.
(It's even better if you are barefooted and outside in the grass.)
Bring awareness to your feet and ground them to the earth feeling roots grow from your physical body joining the roots throughout the soil.
Now bring awareness to your legs, your powerful strength, first show gratitude for all that you can do with use of your leg muscles, joints and bones.
Then find strength, move the strength up through your core, root lock, navel lock to harness the energy. Center the mind with the breath.
On the inhale, lengthen the spine creating more space and alignment.
On the exhale root further into the earth.
Lift one leg to the inner thigh of the other leg slowly, calmly, concentrating on the breath, not the imbalance. Imbalance means deeper strengthening.
This is good.
Find your stillness.
Find your steadiness in your body and in your mind.
Find your drista (gaze) and let yourself go into a meditation of the sensations in your body.
Be in the moment.
Be in the stillness.
Find your clarity, your power, your balance.
When you find balance within the physical body then it can be easily transferred to balancing in your life, in your thoughts and in your actions.
Practice this.
Every day.
Stretch your arms up as branches reaching for the energy of the sun,
Asking for rays of light to penetrate your fingertips and travel through your body warming you to your toes.
Ask that you be filled with this light as you inhale it with every breath.
Take it with you, throughout the day.
Find peace in it.
Keep balance in it.
Love it.
Love yourself.
Love others and share the light that so graciously has been given to you.