Monday, February 14, 2011

Chaos and Quiet- When Nothing is Going on- Everything is Going On

Do you ever have those days when you feel like the list is neverending?  Mine actually is neverending.  As soon as I make a good dent in the list, things add on to the bottom of the list.  Managing a house and a family and all the activities, school work, housework, food-buying, preparing, laundry, the animals, the yard, the plants and the list goes on...can be hectic. Let it be known that I am in no way complaining, I love that I am blessed with all that I have, I'm only stating the facts.  I keep a folded up square of paper listing my tasks, my returns, my grocery list, weekly dinner menus etc in my back pocket for easy access.  I can reach in my pocket, cross things off, add things on..bring back to mind.  Then there are times when I have an added bonus project such as a kids school holiday party, and/or conferences etc.  It's times like these where my yoga practice falls to the wayside, yet it's the time I need it the most.  It's times like these when I'm not breathing, stretching with full intention, with my eyes closed and harnessing the energy. 
SO then that added bonus project goes through the  rigamore and it's over until next time and I am able to frantically catch up with my Mommy duties AND get back to working my body through breath and movement.   For this is when I feel most at home. It is what results in my peaceful disposition and relatively pain free body.  For when I take the time to link my breath with my body and stretch away the
 pain, it is then that creates all over peace.  I envision, when I close my eyes, my muscles stretching like rubber bands and as they stretch so, tension releases into the abyss. My lungs open up  and my body gently hums in balance with my mind and my breath.  It is truly a gift to find that stillness and access it whenever I feel the need.  There is so much radiating in the body, and when you can sit quietly and feel it all happening, it is remarkable and amazing and I can't quite be thankful enough that my body does all of this without my asking it to, without my conscious effort. In that stillness, I can feel my heart beating, I can feel the energy radiating in my fingertips and the blood coursing through my veins.  What a gift.  My body readjusts itself, warms itself., creates a balance within each layer from skin to bone, bone to skin.

So today I've pushed all the stuff aside for now.  I've carved out a few moments of space for myself and the practice that calms me, that calms my nervous system much like that of a cup of chamomile tea.  I so love chamomile.  I think I'll make a cup of it after my fingers leave these keys.  Sometimes you need to leave the list in your back pocket. Sit quietly and listen to the silence to hear the whispers of truth.  Acknowledge that higher plane and simply be there.   In between the chaos and hectic lovliness that is my life, that is my grace.

Since today is Valentines Day, I present a quote about love that I love.

Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”

~Robert Heinlein

Happy Valentines Day!